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    YCIS Students Shine in 2017 IGCSE Exams Again

    School News

    11 Aug, 2017

    18 : 00

    • Congratulations to the Year 11 students of 2017 on their International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) results announced today. YCIS’s students have once again achieved extraordinary results in the IGCSE exams.

      In the exams held in May and June 2017, three YCIS students received straight As (A* and A) in 11 subjects and two other students received 10 straight As (A* and A), while three students earned NINE straight As (A* and A).

      In all individual subject exams taken by YCIS students, there are 510 grade A* and grade A awarded, while perhaps even more encouraging was that 86% of the cohort obtained the awards of distinctions or merits, with 35% awarded distinction.

      Their achievements are highlighted below:

       No. of Year 11 students sat for IGCSE exams 138
       No. of Distinction awards 48
       No. of Merit awards 71
       Percentage of A*- A grades 41% of all subjects taken
       Percentage of A*- C grades 86% of all subjects taken

       The students’ achievements in the IGCSE examinations are evidence of the effectiveness of YCIS’s global education approach. Congratulations go to all Year 11 students and the school for their excellent achievements. We wish them all the very best in their study for the IB Diploma Programme.