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    Career Day: UGO, Teachers and Alumni Gave Year 7 Students a Heads-up on their Further Studies and Career Paths

    School News

    23 Oct, 2020

    18 : 00

    • In response to the Project-based Learning theme “My Journey”, 8 of our alumni across different fields and countries, includingdoctor, lawyer, entrepreneur, theater performer, and university students on visual art, occupational therapy, business management, and biological sciences, shared their university experience, career plans and achievements after graduating from YCIS. The event was held via video conference to facilitate effective sharing from alumni across the globe while observing the social distancing rules.The reunion between different student cohorts connects YCIS people as a big community.

      To stimulate students’ brainstorming on their study and career plans, our University Guidance Office (UGO)developed a “KWLQ” approach,  which enables students to reflect on and explore what they know and what they want to know about their desired careers. Guided by teachers, the Year 7s were curious and eagerly engaged. UGO counsellors and teachersalso advised the Year 7s on CV building, which allows them to discover and analyse their interests, talents and strengths.

      Moreover, 14 of our Year 12 and Year 13 prefects also offered a helping hand to the Year 7 students. Putting themselves in the younger students’ shoes, the prefects shared their YCIS journeys, trivia, tips and essentials. This provided the Year 7 students, who are new to Secondary section, with an idea of their journeys and possible opportunities ahead. As the old saying goes, opportunities are only for the prepared. Equipping students as young as Year 7 allows them more time to plan their futures, which also facilitates their upcoming journeys. 

      YCIS supports our secondary students with professional and personalised university guidance and career planning via the expertise of the counsellors of our University Guidance Office (UGO). We provide one-to-one pathway planning support, from gaining understanding of each student’s development and talents,  to selection, application and interview process with globally renowned universities. We have been attaining 100% university acceptance year on year. Join our Information Session to learn more!